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The Window is Back…with the Water Canada Summit


Staff member
Mar 20, 2024
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The Window is Back…with the Water Canada Summit​

Long before we created the National Water & Wastewater Conference to run each November, we have been hosting our famous “Window on Ottawa” event. This has always been CWWA’s signature event, drawing our members to Ottawa to focus on federal water policies and national programs. At this event, we welcome senior federal policy makers to share what is happening in their department or agency. We don’t look so much at what they did last year, but rather look ahead to what they will be working on for the next few years. This is our best opportunity to ask questions and directly engage these policymakers.

We’ll do all that again this year when we gather in Ottawa June 7-9, but with a great addition. This year, we are hosting the Window on Ottawa as a joint event with the Water Canada Summit. CWWA has always been a part of the Water Canada Summit event, but this is the first time we will run the two events together, as ONE event. There is one registration and one opening plenary. We will divide into some simultaneous breakout sessions, but come back together for one, much larger, national networking event. CWWA will continue to coordinate sessions on federal policies and programs that affect utilities, while our partners at Water Canada cast their wider net to discuss national issues that address the environment and others in the water industry. All delegates are free to flow between the two streams.


We’ll start on Wednesday evening, June 7th, with a Welcome Reception. Thursday the 8th is a full day of sessions and will feature a most-inspiring keynote speaker – Robert McGlashan. McGlashan, who has been swimming to make a change, will share stories of his efforts to bring awareness and change attitudes about water. Sessions continue Friday morning the 9th, wrapping up with a closing lunch. As it looks now, topics for the program will include, the National Adaptation Strategy, Source Protection, Cyber-Security, Green Infrastructure and the new Canada Water Agency.

On top of the tremendous networking opportunity here, the highlight of the week will be the Water Canada Awards banquet on the Thursday night, June 8th. These have developed into the most-coveted water awards in Canada, recognizing Canadian water leaders and innovative technologies. Nominations are still open until March 17th.

Water Canada Awards – Water Canada Summit (watersummit.ca)

It is never too early to get registered, book your travel, and book your room. You can do all that here: Home – Water Canada Summit (watersummit.ca)

The post The Window is Back…with the Water Canada Summit appeared first on Canadian Water and Wastewater Association.
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