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Pet Adoption: Why Shelter Pets Are The Best


Staff member
Mar 20, 2024
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There are millions of animals living in shelters across the world. In order to help raise awareness and stop stigmatism when it comes to shelter animals, Pet Smart has created a report sharing vital information about these dogs and cats.

According to the Pet Smart Charities 2014 Shelter Pet Report, 66% of people surveyed would consider pet adoption over buying an animal from a breeder. While this is good news, the sad reality is that 28% of people said they bought their most recent dog. Another shocking finding was that many don’t prepare for their new pet, especially when it comes to cats, who by the way, outnumber dogs when it comes to homelessness.

The reason for many people shying away from adoption is because either the shelter they looked at didn’t have the type of animal they wanted or they desired a purebred one. Pet Smart was clear to point out that those reasons are myths, as there are many shelter resources to find the breed that would fit what a person or family was looking for. Other reasons included fear of health or behavioral problems as well as their lack of understanding about pet adoption.

shelter anmials pet smart

So how can you help rescue an animal in need? Well, the first thing is to adopt your next pet and realize that the process is easy and that any behavioral or health issues will be made aware to you if the shelter is familiar with the condition. Another way is to have your pet spayed or neutered, or simply donate to a pet shelter of your choice to help improve conditions.

Remember, four million animals are euthanized every year because they can’t find homes. It’s our job to protect all living things. Read more from the report right here.

What do you think about pet adoption?​

The post Pet Adoption: Why Shelter Pets Are The Best appeared first on Four Legged Guru.
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