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Why You Should Adopt A Senior Dog


Staff member
Mar 20, 2024
Reaction score
In today’s world, so many people tend to have a higher preference for the much younger pups to the older ones. In many cases, people assume that the former are easier to train and cuter to look at. Also, they like the idea of watching them grow older. But did you know that older pups make better pets?

A lot of these old pups can be found in senior dog shelters being run by senior dog rescue groups. The animal population in these shelters mainly consists of dogs that have been rescued.

A dog may get abandoned after its guardian dies, if someone in the family develops allergies, if one moves into an apartment building where pets aren’t allowed or due to lack of time to take care of the dog. Whenever this happens, senior dog rescue groups take them in.

The good news is, adopting and loving these old but wise pups is going to present you with a lot of benefits. The top five benefits of adopting a senior pup.

Senior pups are inexpensive:​

When adopting an older dog, the first thing you’ll be given is a clean bill of their health. Thus, you won’t have spend a lot of money in having them spayed and neutered. In addition, you will be well aware of any special needs the dog has. This is never the case with a puppy as s/he may develop special needs with time.

They’re very respectful:​

Unlike younger pups that are always trying to catch your attention and interrupt you as you go about your business, older ones will sit quietly next to you and patiently wait for you to finish whatever you are doing.

They are easy to train:​

Though people claim that you can’t teach old dog new tricks, this isn’t true. In fact, teaching old dogs new tricks is much easier and faster as they will be willing to do anything to please you.

They let you enjoy your sleep:​

Having been accustomed to human schedules, old dogs will let you sleep all through the night without waking you up to demand that they be fed, comforted or taken on bathroom breaks.

They are highly social:​

Senior dogs are a lot more social around other pets as well as people. Thus, you’ll never have to spend too much time trying to get them into becoming a part of the family.

If you are planning on adopting a dog, instead of only focusing on the younger pups, remember the old ones for they too need your love. They are as a matter of fact the ideal pets to get a senior citizen who is looking for an animal companion that isn’t too demanding. To adopt one, visit your local senior dog rescue group or center or check in with nationwide groups like the Grey Muzzle Organization.

Would you consider adopting a senior dog?​

The post Why You Should Adopt A Senior Dog appeared first on Four Legged Guru.
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